Practice Manager
Gillian Milligan Practice Manager
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Practice Manager: Mrs Milligan has overall responsibility to lead the primary health care team. Regular staff appraisal effectively identifies individual training needs, thus continually developing the whole team to result in the best possible quality patient service.
Administration Team: Provide “work behind the scenes” to ensure targets are met. Work varies from the management of computerised appointment templates, eHealth security, data protection issues, clinical data input by Read Code, routing of electronic documentation to clinicians, clinical auditing, referrals to secondary care and insurance reports. Our administrator to the primary care nursing team also manages many complex and sensitive patient enquiries and refers patients on to the appropriate health professional.
Patient Services Facilitators’ role is that of “front of house” and they welcome patients and visitors and successfully deal with many sensitive, urgent and intricate patient enquiries. They capably prioritise and deal with a multitude of complex systems and procedures including responsibility for call and recall systems to invite patients at risk to our specialised clinics, repeat prescribing process, routing patient documentation to clinicians and the maintenance of patients’ electronic medical records.
Preference for a Particular Practitioner
Patients are registered with the practice, not with an individual GP. For administrative reasons, your medical card will be issued in the name of one of the doctors; however, you can at any time express a preference for a particular doctor, for either all of your medical needs or on a case-by-case basis. We will do our best to respect your choice. However, not all the doctors in the practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available, especially if they work on a part time basis. As our patients’ medical records are held securely on our computer system, continuity of care is easily provided should our patients choose to consult with various doctors or nurses.
All staff adhere to the Practice’s Confidentiality Policy and Data Protection Act 2018.